Criando Um Mundo Melhor

Na Filhos de Sucesso, sabemos que você é um autêntico Criador de um Mundo Melhor – alguém que, com conhecimento e dedicação, está ajudando a moldar o futuro, uma criança por vez.

Por aqui, descomplicamos o que parece impossível: cuidar das crianças em todas as dimensões – emocional, comportamental, física e intelectual – sem perder a cabeça (ou a paciência). Sabemos que educar não é moleza, mas prometemos que também não precisa ser um caos total.

Ah, e temos uma carta na manga! Uma das nossas idealizadoras vive em Nova York – onde o futuro acontece – e traz as últimas tendências direto para você. Seja um método revolucionário ou uma nova forma de fazer as crianças comerem brócolis… Você fica sabendo antes de todo mundo.

Nosso propósito é simples, mas com impacto gigante: apoiar os Criadores de um Mundo Melhor na construção de lares saudáveis, respeitosos e cheios de aprendizado, com uma dose de bom humor, porque criar filhos pode (e deve) ser divertido. Juntos, estamos criando um amanhã mais leve, mais humano e muito mais promissor!

A vintage typewriter sits on a flat surface outdoors with a piece of paper inserted. The paper displays the bold text HELICOPTER PARENTING.
A vintage typewriter sits on a flat surface outdoors with a piece of paper inserted. The paper displays the bold text HELICOPTER PARENTING.
A young child wearing a patterned onesie is interacting with colorful alphabet blocks on a table. An adult sitting beside the child is supporting them, dressed in a navy blue shirt with an embroidered logo. The scene conveys a sense of learning or playtime in a bright, softly-lit room.
A young child wearing a patterned onesie is interacting with colorful alphabet blocks on a table. An adult sitting beside the child is supporting them, dressed in a navy blue shirt with an embroidered logo. The scene conveys a sense of learning or playtime in a bright, softly-lit room.
Children sit on a colorful carpet in a classroom, raising their hands eagerly towards a teacher seated in the front. The room is filled with educational decorations, bookshelves, and various classroom supplies. The atmosphere is lively and engaging as the children participate in an interactive session.
Children sit on a colorful carpet in a classroom, raising their hands eagerly towards a teacher seated in the front. The room is filled with educational decorations, bookshelves, and various classroom supplies. The atmosphere is lively and engaging as the children participate in an interactive session.

Sobre Nós

Nosso blog é dedicado a pais, familiares e cuidadores, abordando temas de psicologia infantil, ciência e notícias sobre maternidade de forma global.

Galeria de Sucesso

Imagens que inspiram pais a criar crianças felizes e bem-sucedidas.

A colorful classroom corner decorated with educational materials and artwork. A tree made of brown paper with a bright yellow paper sun on a blue background. Alphabet letters displayed on a board with multicolored magnets. Several educational posters feature drawings and letters, and a plush toy lies on a white shelf. Various cut-out images and decorations create a child-friendly and engaging learning environment.
A colorful classroom corner decorated with educational materials and artwork. A tree made of brown paper with a bright yellow paper sun on a blue background. Alphabet letters displayed on a board with multicolored magnets. Several educational posters feature drawings and letters, and a plush toy lies on a white shelf. Various cut-out images and decorations create a child-friendly and engaging learning environment.
A young child and an adult are sitting at a wooden desk in a classroom, focusing on some written materials. The adult is holding a notebook and appears to be helping the child, who is intently looking at papers on the desk. Nearby are pencils and other school supplies.
A young child and an adult are sitting at a wooden desk in a classroom, focusing on some written materials. The adult is holding a notebook and appears to be helping the child, who is intently looking at papers on the desk. Nearby are pencils and other school supplies.
A classroom setting with children sitting at desks and an adult woman standing and interacting with them. The classroom has posters and decorations on the walls, including an alphabet and numbers chart, and a chalkboard with instructions. The woman is holding some items in her hands and seems to be engaging with the children, who are looking at her attentively.
A classroom setting with children sitting at desks and an adult woman standing and interacting with them. The classroom has posters and decorations on the walls, including an alphabet and numbers chart, and a chalkboard with instructions. The woman is holding some items in her hands and seems to be engaging with the children, who are looking at her attentively.
A person is teaching a child how to play the piano, with sheet music placed on top of the piano. The hands of the adult are gently guiding the child's fingers over the keys.
A person is teaching a child how to play the piano, with sheet music placed on top of the piano. The hands of the adult are gently guiding the child's fingers over the keys.

Entre em Contato Conosco

Estamos aqui para ajudar pais e cuidadores a criar crianças de sucesso.

A young child with short, dark hair and a small decorative mark on their forehead is wearing a bright pink top with black lettering and dark jeans. They are held gently by an adult's hand adorned with rings and bracelets, complementing the child’s bracelets. The background is neutral and unobtrusive.
A young child with short, dark hair and a small decorative mark on their forehead is wearing a bright pink top with black lettering and dark jeans. They are held gently by an adult's hand adorned with rings and bracelets, complementing the child’s bracelets. The background is neutral and unobtrusive.